The Culturalist
Talking cultures
Do the body and spirit intertwine during Yoga?

Do the body and spirit intertwine during Yoga?

Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast-I say ours because you are shaping it with your feedback and new ideas ;-)! This time join us for a discussion with Sharon, a yoga teacher. We explore the culture/ world of yoga as we uncover its transformative power to reshape not just our bodies but also our perception and connection to the world around us.

We engage in a conversation about yoga’s spiritual components often unknown to many practitioners, and its impact beyond the physical practice, while discovering the essence of chanting and its resonance, the moments of emotional release.

We also explore the concept of presence and its role in allowing profound moments of reflection, processing, and epiphanies during the practice. Sharon shares how yoga transcends the physical realm, offering a gateway to a deeper understanding of self and interconnectedness with the universe.

Join us as we explore the magic of yoga, where the body and spirit intertwine, and the journey of self-discovery unfolds with each mindful breath and movement on the mat.

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