The Culturalist
Talking cultures
The connection between food, culture & love.

The connection between food, culture & love.

Modern Hemingway from Veni Vino Bici explains...

This podcast was a special one!

Savoring a glass of wine, we discuss about the connection between food, culture, and love with the ‘food expert’ Matthew from Veni Vino Bici (, a modern #Hemingway in his own inspiring way.

It's not just about the dish itself but the emotions and memories it evokes. They say love conquers all, but perhaps it's a well-prepared meal that truly unites us. Food isn't just sustenance; it's the bridge that connects cultures, sparking conversations about our favorite dishes and the stories behind them. These are just a few of the topics we discussed during our conversation with Matthew.

Our ventures often begin with a hunger to understand both others and ourselves, each culinary journey a lesson in discovery. Veni Vino Bici experiences cultures through the lens of gastronomy & cycling. Every passion project begins with a spark—a moment of curiosity that ignites a flame, like the inspiring story of Veni Vino Bici. Life's journey isn't a straight line; it's a collection of moments that guide us to where we're meant to be. So, let's toast to the twists and turns that lead us to the perfect place at the perfect time.

(Of course the background picture of this podcast had to be the best meal I have experienced lately-Neapolitan pizza margherita-)

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The Culturalist
Talking cultures
Talks about literature, movies, culture and much more.